Title Description
Identifying subject and predicate Identify subject and predicate as parts of the sentences.
Identifying verbs Learn to identify the verb!
Indefinite pronouns Which indefinite pronoun makes the most sense for each of these sentences?
Indirect measurement Compare the lengths of 2 objects indirectly by using a third object.
Individuals, variables, and categorical & quantitative data Practice identifying components of a data set: individuals, variables, categorical data, quantitative data.
Infinite limits challenge Review your understanding of infinite limits with some challenge problems.
Identifying nouns Learn to identify nouns in context.
Irregular verbs Choose the appropriate form of the verb, considering when the sentence takes place.
Introduction to semicolons Learn to identify and use semicolons in sentences!
Meet the apostrophe Apostrophes have many important uses in the English language, and this exercise will give you an introduction to those uses!
Introduction to the dash Dashes indicate interruptions, set off asides, and show interruptions in speech. Learn the different functions of dashes in this exercise.
Introduction to the ellipsis The ellipsis is used to show a pause in speech or that part of a sentence has been removed.
Modulo operator Practice using the modulo operator
Introduction to contractions Apostrophes help shorten words by creating contractions. Learn how to spot them!
Introduction to the parenthesis Parentheses are used to set off extra information from a sentence, show an interruption, or indicate a reference. Practice identifying their uses in this exercise!
Introduction to the possessive Learn to use apostrophes to indicate possession, or ownership -- and when not to use them.
Irregular plural nouns review Learn the plurals of some everyday irregular nouns!
Modular addition
Intro to verb agreement Choose the appropriate form of the verb by asking yourself: "How many things is the sentence about?"
Perfect squares intro Factor quadratic expressions into the special products of the general form (x+a)² or (x-a)².