Converting repeating decimals to fractions 1
- Description
- Practice converting 1- and 2-digit repeating decimals to fractions.
Practice converting 1- and 2-digit repeating decimals to fractions. |
Timed Test
Add using groups of 10 and 100
- Description
- Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers.
Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers. |
Timed Test
Multiply 1-digit numbers by 10, 100, and 1000
- Description
- Practice multiplication problems like 5x100=500.
Practice multiplication problems like 5x100=500. |
Timed Test
Subtract within 1000
- Description
- Subtract with 2 numbers less than 1000.
Subtract with 2 numbers less than 1000. |
Timed Test
3rd grade fractions review problems
- Description
- Check your understanding of 3rd grade fractions by trying a wide variety of practice questions.
Check your understanding of 3rd grade fractions by trying a wide variety of practice questions. |
Timed Test
Advanced (plural) possession
- Description
- Possessive plurals have a complicated relationship with apostrophes, but this exercise is here to help you understand it!
Possessive plurals have a complicated relationship with apostrophes, but this exercise is here to help you understand it! |
Timed Test
Analyzing categorical data
- Description
- For example, complete a conditional distribution given a two-way table.
For example, complete a conditional distribution given a two-way table. |
Timed Test
Analyzing structure with rational expressions
- Description
- Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context.
Given some information about a real-world context, analyze expressions containing unknown variables that model that context. |
Timed Test
Angle basics
- Description
- Determine which angle has a greater measure by looking at the size of the opening between the angle's rays.
Determine which angle has a greater measure by looking at the size of the opening between the angle's rays. |
Timed Test
Angular measure 1
- Description
- warm up questions on angular measure
warm up questions on angular measure |
Timed Test
Angular Measure 2
- Description
Timed Test
Approximating square roots
- Description
- .
. |
Timed Test
Arc length challenge
- Description
- Solve some challenging problems about the arc length of one-variable curves.
Solve some challenging problems about the arc length of one-variable curves. |
Timed Test
Area enclosed by polar graphs challenge
- Description
- Solve some challenging problems about area enclosed by one or more polar graphs.
Solve some challenging problems about area enclosed by one or more polar graphs. |
Timed Test
Find area by counting unit squares
- Description
- Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them.
Find the area of shapes by counting the unit squares inside them. |
Timed Test
Average value of a function challenge
- Description
- Solve challenging problems that involve finding the average value of a function over an interval.
Solve challenging problems that involve finding the average value of a function over an interval. |
Timed Test
Average rate of change: graphs & tables
- Description
- Find a function's average rate of change over a specific interval, given the function's graph or a table of values.
Find a function's average rate of change over a specific interval, given the function's graph or a table of values. |
Timed Test
Exploring the parabola construction
- Description
- Where does the string touch the parabola?
Where does the string touch the parabola? |
Timed Test
Bitwise operators
- Description
Timed Test
Conditional distributions
- Description
- Practice calculating conditional distributions in two-way tables.
Practice calculating conditional distributions in two-way tables. |
Timed Test