Make 10
- Description
- Practice adding numbers to make 10.
Practice adding numbers to make 10. |
Timed Test
Subtract within 5
- Description
- Subtract small numbers. All answers are less than 5.
Subtract small numbers. All answers are less than 5. |
Timed Test
Add within 20
- Description
- Practice adding. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less.
Practice adding. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less. |
Timed Test
Subtract within 20
- Description
- Practice subtracting. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less.
Practice subtracting. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less. |
Timed Test
Find 1 more or 1 less than a number
- Description
- Practice finding one more or one less than a number.
Practice finding one more or one less than a number. |
Timed Test
Teen numbers
- Description
- Practice thinking of teen numbers as a ten plus some ones.
Practice thinking of teen numbers as a ten plus some ones. |
Timed Test
Compose shapes
- Description
- Practice combining shapes to make other shapes.
Practice combining shapes to make other shapes. |
Timed Test
Relate addition and subtraction
- Description
- Practice seeing how addition and subtraction are related.
Practice seeing how addition and subtraction are related. |
Timed Test
Subtraction word problems within 10
- Description
- Practice solving word problems by subtracting small numbers (numbers 10 or less).
Practice solving word problems by subtracting small numbers (numbers 10 or less). |
Timed Test
Name shapes 3
- Description
- Practice identifying circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, trapezoids, and hexagons.
Practice identifying circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, trapezoids, and hexagons. |
Timed Test
Numbers to 120
- Description
- Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 120.
Practice finding missing numbers in a list of numbers between 0 and 120. |
Timed Test
Order by length
- Description
- Practice ordering 3 objects by length.
Practice ordering 3 objects by length. |
Timed Test
2-digit place value challenge
- Description
- Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones.
Practice breaking numbers apart into tens and ones. |
Timed Test
Compare 2-digit numbers
- Description
- Practice comparing numbers (within 100) using the symbols <, >, and =.
Practice comparing numbers (within 100) using the symbols <, >, and =. |
Timed Test
Groups of ten objects
- Description
- Practice grouping objects by tens.
Practice grouping objects by tens. |
Timed Test
Halves and fourths
- Description
- Practice dividing shapes into 2 or 4 equal sections.
Practice dividing shapes into 2 or 4 equal sections. |
Timed Test
Measure lengths 1
- Description
- Measure objects with same-size length units without gaps or overlaps.
Measure objects with same-size length units without gaps or overlaps. |
Timed Test
Tens and ones
- Description
- Practice thinking about 2-digit numbers as tens and ones.
Practice thinking about 2-digit numbers as tens and ones. |
Timed Test
Compare 2-digit numbers 2
- Description
- Practice more challenging problems comparing numbers within 100.
Practice more challenging problems comparing numbers within 100. |
Timed Test
Equal sign
- Description
- Practice telling which equation is true.
Practice telling which equation is true. |
Timed Test