Add fractions with unlike denominators
- Description
- Practice adding fractions that have different denominators.
Practice adding fractions that have different denominators. |
Timed Test
Compare decimals and fractions
- Description
- Practice comparing decimals and fractions. Decimals and fractions in these problems are limited to tenths and hundredths for easier comparison.
Practice comparing decimals and fractions. Decimals and fractions in these problems are limited to tenths and hundredths for easier comparison. |
Timed Test
Decimals in written form
- Description
- Practice converting decimals between standard form and written form.
Practice converting decimals between standard form and written form. |
Timed Test
Estimating with adding decimals
- Description
- For example, estimate 12.93 + 6.1 to be 19.
For example, estimate 12.93 + 6.1 to be 19. |
Timed Test
Graph points
- Description
- Plot a given point on the coordinate plane.
Plot a given point on the coordinate plane. |
Timed Test
Subtract decimals 2
- Description
- Subtract small whole numbers and tenths like 1.6-0.3
Subtract small whole numbers and tenths like 1.6-0.3 |
Timed Test
Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
- Description
- Practice subtracting fractions that have different denominators.
Practice subtracting fractions that have different denominators. |
Timed Test
Visually add and subtract fractions
- Description
- Practice adding and subtracting fractions that have different denominators. Problems have fraction diagrams.
Practice adding and subtracting fractions that have different denominators. Problems have fraction diagrams. |
Timed Test
Value of a digit
- Description
- Practice identifying the value of one of the digits in a decimal number. For example, the 3 in 4.563 has a value of 0.003.
Practice identifying the value of one of the digits in a decimal number. For example, the 3 in 4.563 has a value of 0.003. |
Timed Test
Volume formula intuition
- Description
- Practice problems that help you see why the volume formula makes sense.
Practice problems that help you see why the volume formula makes sense. |
Timed Test
Add and subtract fractions challenge
- Description
- Challenge problems involving adding and subtracting fractions that have unlike denominators.
Challenge problems involving adding and subtracting fractions that have unlike denominators. |
Timed Test
Add and subtract fractions word problems
- Description
- Practice solving fraction addition and subtraction word problems. The fractions in these problems have unlike denominators.
Practice solving fraction addition and subtraction word problems. The fractions in these problems have unlike denominators. |
Timed Test
Add decimals 1
- Description
- Add tenths like 0.7 + 0.5
Add tenths like 0.7 + 0.5 |
Timed Test
Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators 1
- Description
- Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. No regrouping required.
Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. No regrouping required. |
Timed Test
Compare decimal place value
- Description
- Compare 2 numbers to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place.
Compare 2 numbers to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place. |
Timed Test
Fraction multiplication as scaling
- Description
- Interpret how multiplying by a fraction greater or less than 1 affects the product.
Interpret how multiplying by a fraction greater or less than 1 affects the product. |
Timed Test
Identify coordinates
- Description
- Identify coordinates of points in the first quadrant.
Identify coordinates of points in the first quadrant. |
Timed Test
Properties of shapes
- Description
- Identify and compare shapes based on their attributes. Shapes include triangle types, quadrilateral types, pentagons, and hexagons.
Identify and compare shapes based on their attributes. Shapes include triangle types, quadrilateral types, pentagons, and hexagons. |
Timed Test
Regroup whole numbers
- Description
- Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express whole numbers in different ways.
Regroup numbers in each place value (e.g., regroup 1 ten as 10 ones) to express whole numbers in different ways. |
Timed Test
Subtract decimals 3
- Description
- Subtract larger whole numbers and tenths like 78.4-3
Subtract larger whole numbers and tenths like 78.4-3 |
Timed Test