Add fractions (denominators 10 & 100)
- Description
- Practice adding fractions that have denominators of 10 and 100.
Practice adding fractions that have denominators of 10 and 100. |
Timed Test
Decompose fractions with denominators of 100
- Description
- Practice breaking apart (decomposing) some number of hundredths into tenths and hundredths.
Practice breaking apart (decomposing) some number of hundredths into tenths and hundredths. |
Timed Test
Divide with remainders
- Description
- Practice finding remainders in division problems, like 247÷5.
Practice finding remainders in division problems, like 247÷5. |
Timed Test
Draw right, acute, and obtuse angles
- Description
- Create an acute, right, or obtuse angle using a given vertex.
Create an acute, right, or obtuse angle using a given vertex. |
Timed Test
Identify triangles by angles
- Description
- Practice identifying triangles by their angles as acute, right, or obtuse.
Practice identifying triangles by their angles as acute, right, or obtuse. |
Timed Test
Time conversion word problems
- Description
- Solve word problems to find what time an event occurred or how long an event lasted.
Solve word problems to find what time an event occurred or how long an event lasted. |
Timed Test
Multiply 2-digit numbers
- Description
- Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Regrouping (carrying) needed.
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Regrouping (carrying) needed. |
Timed Test
Multiply fractions and whole numbers 1
- Description
- Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction.
Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction. |
Timed Test
Identify triangles by side lengths
- Description
- Practice identifying triangles by their side-lengths as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
Practice identifying triangles by their side-lengths as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. |
Timed Test
Round whole numbers challenge
- Description
- More challenging practice problems where you round whole numbers to the nearest hundred or thousand
More challenging practice problems where you round whole numbers to the nearest hundred or thousand |
Timed Test
Subtract fractions with common denominators
- Description
- Solve a subtraction problem with two fractions with like denominators.
Solve a subtraction problem with two fractions with like denominators. |
Timed Test
Multiply fractions and whole numbers 3
- Description
- Practice seeing how one whole-number-times-fraction problem is the same as another. Find equivalent multiplication expressions.
Practice seeing how one whole-number-times-fraction problem is the same as another. Find equivalent multiplication expressions. |
Timed Test
Multiplication and division word problems
- Description
- Practice solving multiplication and division word problems. Some problems have remainders.
Practice solving multiplication and division word problems. Some problems have remainders. |
Timed Test
Compare with multiplication
- Description
- Rewrite multiplication equations as comparisons, and comparisons as equations.
Rewrite multiplication equations as comparisons, and comparisons as equations. |
Timed Test
Write decimal numbers shown in grids
- Description
- Practice writing decimal numbers shown in grid diagrams.
Practice writing decimal numbers shown in grid diagrams. |
Timed Test
Decompose angles
- Description
- Find an angle's measure when given the measures of its parts.
Find an angle's measure when given the measures of its parts. |
Timed Test
Decompose fractions
- Description
- Practice decomposing fractions (breaking fractions into parts that can be added together).
Practice decomposing fractions (breaking fractions into parts that can be added together). |
Timed Test
Add and subtract fractions: word problems 1
- Description
- Practice solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Gaby ate 2 slices of pie and Daniel ate 2. If there were 10 slices of pie all together, what fraction did they eat?
Practice solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. Gaby ate 2 slices of pie and Daniel ate 2. If there were 10 slices of pie all together, what fraction did they eat? |
Timed Test
Math patterns 2
- Description
- Generate terms in a pattern when given a rule. Identify features of a pattern that are not explicit to the rule itself.
Generate terms in a pattern when given a rule. Identify features of a pattern that are not explicit to the rule itself. |
Timed Test
Multi-step word problems with whole numbers
- Description
- Solve multi-step word problems, including estimation. Select the equation that can be used to solve a word problem.
Solve multi-step word problems, including estimation. Select the equation that can be used to solve a word problem. |
Timed Test