Model with function combination
Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, combine them using the appropriate arithmetic operation in order to model a more complex situation.
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Find composite functions
Given the formulas of two functions, find the formula of their composition.
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Graph quadratics in all forms
Graph quadratic functions given in any form.
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Midline of sinusoidal functions from graph
Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.
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Interpret change in exponential models
Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the factor by which the quantity changes per unit time interval.
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Solve quadratic equations: complex solutions
Solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. Some of the equations have real solutions while others have complex solutions.
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Use the Polynomial Remainder Theorem
Use the PRT (Polynomial Remainder Theorem) to determine the factors of polynomials and their remainders when divided by linear expressions.
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Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from graph
Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.
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Midline of sinusoidal functions from equation
Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its midline equation.
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Find zeros of polynomials
Use various methods in order to find all the zeros of polynomial expressions or functions.
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Model with composite functions
Given two basic functions that model a real-world situation, compose them in order to model a more complex situation.
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Interpret time in exponential models
Given a function that models an exponential situation, find the time interval over which the quantity changes by a given factor.
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Shift functions
Shift functions horizontally and vertically, and practice the relationship between the graphical and the algebraic representations of those shifts.
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Evaluate inverse functions
Practice evaluating the inverse function of a function that is given either as a formula, or as a graph, or as a table of values.
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Find inverse functions
Practice finding the formula of the inverse function of a given polynomial, radical, or rational function.
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Construct exponential models
Given a verbal description of the rate of change of a real world situation, find the exponential function that models it.
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Amplitude of sinusoidal functions from equation
Given the formula of a sinusoidal function, determine its amplitude.
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Interpret change in exponential models: changing units
Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to find its change for a different time unit.
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Interpret change in exponential models: with manipulation
Given a function that models an exponential situation, rewrite the function in order to analyze its rate of change.
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Period of sinusoidal functions from graph
Given the graph of a sinusoidal function, determine its period.
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