Comparing probabilities
Practice expressing probabilities in different forms (fractions, decimals, and percents).
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Making predictions with probability
Practice predicting the number of times a certain event will happen.
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Adding negative numbers on the number line
Practice matching number line diagrams to addition expressions involving negative numbers.
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Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems
Practice solving word problems with negative numbers.
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Area and circumference of parts of circles
Practice finding the area or circumference of part of a circle.
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Combining like terms with negative coefficients
Simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms. Coefficients on some terms are negative.
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Complementary and supplementary angles (visual)
Use your knowledge about complementary and supplementary angles to find missing angles.
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Constructing triangles
Practice constructing triangles.
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Discount, tax, and tip word problems
Practice solving word problems involving price discounts, taxes, and tip calculations.
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Circumference of a circle
Find the circumference of a circle when given either the radius or diameter.  Find the radius or diameter of a circle when given the circumference.  
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The counting principle
Practice counting possible outcomes in a variety of situations. These problems cover everything from counting the number of ways to get dressed in the morning to counting the number of ways to build a custom pizza.
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Addition & subtraction: find the missing value
Practice finding the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation involving negative numbers.
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Signs of expressions challenge
Practice finding the signs of the answers to complex multiplication and division problems.
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Interpreting negative number statements
Practice matching addition and subtraction equations to real-world scenarios.
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Order of operations with negative numbers
Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations. Numbers used in these problems may be negative.
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Probability models
Practice creating probability models and understand what makes a valid probability model.
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Sample spaces for compound events
Practice checking if sample space diagrams match a compound event.
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Writing proportions
Practice writing proportions to describe real-world situations.
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Absolute value to find distance
Practice taking the absolute value of the difference of two numbers to find the distance between those numbers. Apply this principle to solve word problems.
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Proportional relationships: graphs
Practice telling whether or not the relationship between two quantities is proportional by looking at a graph of the relationship.
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