Even & odd polynomials
Given the formula of a polynomial function, determine whether that function is even, odd, or neither.
Timed Test
Evaluate logarithms: change of base rule
Evaluate any logarithm in a calculator with the use of the change of base formula. Example: Evaluate log₅(100).
Timed Test
Evaluate inverse trig functions
Given a sine, cosine, or tangent value, find the principle angle who has this value. In other words, find the arcsine, arccosine, or arctangent of that value.
Timed Test
Modeling with sinusoidal functions
Given the description of a real-world relationship, find the sinusoidal function that models it.
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Simplify rational expressions: common binomial factors
Factor the numerator and the denominator of a rational expression and cancel out common binomial terms.
Timed Test
Use the logarithm change of base rule
Find the logarithmic variable expression that is equivalent to a given logarithmic expression.
Timed Test
Simplify rational expressions (advanced)
Factor the numerator and the denominator of a rational expression using advanced methods, and cancel out common terms.
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Solve sinusoidal equations (basic)
Solve equations of the form sin(x)=d or cos(x)=d where d is any number.
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Solve square-root equations (basic)
Solve square-root equations by taking the square of both sides.
Timed Test
Using the trig angle addition identities
Find the trig values of sums of angles whose individual trig values are known.
Timed Test
Solve exponential equations using logarithms: base-10 and base-e
Solve exponential equations that have 10 or e at the base of the exponential term.
Timed Test
Find trig values using angle addition identities
Find the trigonometric values of various angles that (while they are not special angles) can be expressed as the sum or difference of special angles.
Timed Test
Multiply & divide rational expressions (basic)
Example: Multiply and simplify (6x³/5)*(2/3x).
Timed Test
Solve sinusoidal equations
Solve equations of the form a*sin(bx+c)=d or a*cos(bx+c)=d where a, b, c, and d are any number.
Timed Test
Solve exponential equations using logarithms: base-2 and other bases
Solve exponential equations that have 2 or other numbers at the base of the exponential term.
Timed Test
Solve square-root equations
Solve square-root equations by first arranging them and then taking the square of both sides.
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Exponential model word problems
Solve word problems about exponential situations.
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Extraneous solutions of radical equations
Practice some problems that involve thinking about the conditions for obtaining extraneous solutions while solving radical equations.
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Graphs of exponential functions
Graph exponential functions and find the appropriate graph given the function.
Timed Test
Radical functions & their graphs
Given the formula of a square-root or a cube-root function, find the appropriate graph.
Timed Test