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Math - Grade 6

  • Grade 6 Math - Ratios
    Basic ratios
    Choose the ratio that goes with a picture of two quantities like apples and bananas.&nbsp;
    Rational numbers on the number line
    Practice placing positive and negative fractions and decimals on the number line.
    Ratio word problems
    Practice solving ratio word problems like, &quot;If Ben reads 10 pages in 15 minutes, how long does it take him to read 40 pages?&quot;
    Ratio tables
    Practice filling out tables of equivalent ratios.
    Ordering rational numbers
    Practice putting positive and negative fractions and decimals in order. For example, -12/4, -2.5, and 3.25.
  • Grade 6 Math - Rates and Percentages
    Rate problems
    Use rates to solve word problems. For example, Charlie can type 675 words in 9 minutes. How many words can Charlie type in 13 minutes?
    Comparing rates
    Example problem: Three different stores are offering a deal on pencils. Which store has the lowest price per pencil?
    Converting percents & fractions
    Practice writing percents as fractions and fractions as percents. For example, convert 30% to a simplified fraction.
    Converting decimals to percents
    Practice expressing a decimal like 0.546 as a percent.
    Finding percents
    Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100; solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.
    Percent word problems
    Practice solving word problems involving percents.