Start A Learn To Be Chapter

Learn To Be chapters are groups of passionate tutors who join together to help more students in need of support. They're started by ambitious high schoolers and college students. By professionals recruiting their colleagues at work. By retired teachers recruiting their former colleagues.

All in the name of one thing: supporting students who need it most from around the nation.
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How It Works

Start A Chapter. Save The World

Just about anyone can start a chapter, regardless of age and circumstance. It's the best way to start something bigger than yourself and to magnify your impact.


Fill out the form below to let us know you want to start a chapter.

Recruit Tutors

Recruit your friends, fellow classmates, family, colleagues – whoever might be a great tutor!


Join Lean To Be and help underserved kids get the academic support they need.

High School Chapters

We have hundreds of high school chapters around the nation started by ambitious students looking to gain leadership skills and grow their impact.
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College Chapters

College chapters are a lifeline for Learn To Be. They are crucial to helping our young students see older adults who have made it to college and are thriving.

A Chapter Of Your Own

Corporate chapters, city chapters, state chapters, retired teacher chapters! We're open to all of them!
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