Do you work with underserved K-12 youth who need 1-on-1, online tutoring? Or do you have students and tutors and you need a platform to help manage it all? We can help students in just about any subject and we'd love to work with you.
How It Works
Partners can enroll as many K-12 students as they'd like in just any subject. From there, we'll find them the best tutor. Have your own tutors? Bring them too! We've got a bunch of tools to help bring online tutoring to your community.
Fill out the form below and someone on our team will get your account set up.
Enroll students and tutors. We'll get them paired and ready for tutoring.
You'll have access to (just about) all the data you might want.
Some of our partners have enrolled over 1,000 K-12 students Others have enrolled a handful. However many students you enroll, we'll do our best to connect with the very best tutor.
Do you have your own tutors? Or have some and also want to use Learn To Be tutors? Great! We can't do this alone and would love to have your tutors on our platform to support your students.
We originally built our platform so we could easily connect own students with our own tutors. But we also knew we couldn't reach all of the students we wanted to, so we opened up our platform to non-profits, schools, districts and other groups helping underserved youth.
Our platform will let you enroll students and tutors, manage tutor-student connections, tutoring session data and much more.
“Learn To Be was the perfect partner. With their platform, we provided thousands of hours of free tutoring to hundreds of students in our district.”
Jonathan Soto
Organizer, Team AOC
We have 541 partners from around the nation. Some high school and college clubs, some foster youth agencies, some medicaid providers, some non-profit organizations and more.
Our FAQs are a comprehensive way to learn about what it means to partner with us. But when you're ready, fill out the form below and we'll get your account set up.