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Grade 5 Math - Operations with Fractions

  • Exercises
    Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators 2
    Practice adding and subtracting mixed numbers with different denominators. Regrouping required.
    Add fractions with unlike denominators
    Practice adding fractions that have different denominators.
    Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
    Practice subtracting fractions that have different denominators.
    Multiply fractions and whole numbers 1
    Practice multiplying a whole number times a fraction.
    Multiply fractions and whole numbers 2
    Practice matching fraction diagrams to multiplication expressions.
    Multiply mixed numbers
    Practice multiplying mixed numbers.
    Multiply fractions word problems
    Solve and interpret fraction multiplication word problems.
    Divide whole numbers by fractions
    Practice dividing whole numbers by fractions.
    Dividing fractions
    Practice dividing fractions by fractions. No negative numbers are used in this exercise.
    Dividing mixed numbers
    Practice dividing mixed numbers. Numbers in these problems may be positive or negative.