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Grade 5 Math - Fractions + Decimals + Percents

  • Exercises
    Simplifying Fractions
    No problems to practice.
    Equivalent Fractions 3
    No problems to practice.
    Converting Mixed Numbers And Improper Fractions
    No problems to practice.
    Rewrite fractions as decimals
    Practice rewriting fractions as decimals. Fractions in these problems have denominators of 10 and 100.
    Rewrite decimals as fractions
    Practice rewriting decimals as fractions. These problems use decimals with tenths and hundredths.
    Converting percents & fractions
    Practice writing percents as fractions and fractions as percents. For example, convert 30% to a simplified fraction.
    Converting percents to decimals
    Practice expressing a percent like 12.3% as a decimal.
    Finding percents
    Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100; solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent.