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Grade 3 Math - Addition + Subtraction

  • Exercises
    Break apart 3-digit addition problems
    Practice breaking apart big addition problems using place value. For example, 234+567 is the same as 200+500+30+60+4+7.
    Add within 1000
    Practice adding three-digit numbers. All sums are 1000 or less.
    Add using groups of 10 and 100
    Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers. 
    Subtract within 100
    Practice subtracting 2-digit numbers.
    Subtract 10s and 100s (no regrouping)
    Practice subtracting 1, 10, or 100 from a number.
    Subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers (no regrouping)
    Practice solving problems like 452 + 241.
    Subtract within 1000
    Subtract with 2 numbers less than 1000.
    Find the missing number (add and subtract within 100)
    Practice solving problems like "___ - 45 = 27" where you have to figure out the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation.
    Find the missing number (add and subtract within 1000)
    Practice solving problems like "___ - 445 = 227" where you find the missing value in an addition or subtraction equation.
    No problems to practice.
    Add and subtract on a number line
    Practice adding and subtracting numbers like 554 and 237 using a number line.  All numbers are less than 1000.