Mr. Mendel likes breeding different flowers in his garden. He noticed that when he breeds a white flower with a purple flower, most of the offspring are purple. To check that, he bred them again and obtained $18$ offspring, and $15$ of them were purple.
Let's test the hypothesis that **the offspring have equal chances of $50\%$ of being either white or purple** versus the alternative that the chance of a purple offspring is *greater.*
The table below sums up the results of $1000$ simulations, each simulating $18$ offspring with a $50\%$ chance of being white or purple.
**According to the simulations, what is the probability of having $15$ purple offspring or more out of $18$?**
$\qquad$[[☃ input-number 1]]
Let's agree that if the observed outcome has a probability *less* than $1\%$ under the tested hypothesis, we will reject the hypothesis.
**What should we conclude regarding the hypothesis?**
[[☃ radio 1]]
$\#$ of purple offspring out of $18$ | Frequency
:-: | :-:
$0$ | $0$
$1$ | $0$
$2$ | $1$
$3$ | $3$
$4$ | $12$
$5$ | $33$
$6$ | $71$
$7$ | $121$
$8$ | $167$
$9$ | $184$
$10$ | $167$
$11$ | $121$
$12$ | $71$
$13$ | $33$
$14$ | $12$
$15$ | $3$
$16$ | $1$
$17$ | $0$
$18$ | $0$