Free online tutoring

Students get 1-on-1 tutoring for math and reading completely free. We help kids unlock their potential by connecting them with exceptional tutors online.

student online tutoring

What our community is saying

Some voices from Learn To Be students, parents, tutors, and partners

Math Student

"Our tutor motivates Blake and he looks forward to his tutoring session. She is very patient and explains things in a manner he understands."


8th Grade

Reading Student

"My tutor was absolutely amazing with my daughter! She was so patient with her! My daughter is always excited about her next session."


1st Grade

Science Student

"Our tutor seems to have been able to quickly build a good rapport with Cameron. I was worried that Cameron might be resistant to tutoring on the weekend, but those concerns were unnecessary."


2nd Grade

Math Student

"I love seeing the interaction between the student and the teacher and the way the tutor explains materials to the student that makes easy to understand."


4th Grade

Algebra Student

"My tutor was amazing and super kind as well as a great teacher! The best teacher I've had in math honestly. I got everything she explained and learned a lot."


11th Grade

Math Student

"Faith stated she finally feels like she understood the math they were working on. Working with her tutor one on one really helped her!"


6th Grade

Math Student

"Our tutor has enabled Elizabeth to have more confidence in school. We are now hearing from teachers that she is more engaged and is putting forth more effort to stay on top of her studies. She truly enjoys the tutoring sessions and has said nothing but great things!"


2nd Grade

Math Student

"The tutors from this organization have been outstanding. I have seen remarkable improvements in my sister's academic work and overall confidence in school. Access to affordable tutoring can be challenging, but Learn To Be has been a tremendous help."


4th Grade

Reading Student

"The best tutoring available. I love the fact that my daughter is working with older students. Her confidence level has increased ten fold."


5th Grade

Read our Testimonials

Students work with the same tutor until they meet their goals!

Learn To Be empowers students to reach their full potential.
Each student receives a dedicated tutor to master math and reading.

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Sign Up

Tell us more about your learner so we can determine if Learn To Be is the right fit.

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Get Matched

Within 3 days, student will be matched with a tutor that meets your student's needs.

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Create a schedule that works best for the student. The same tutor works with the student for 6 months to 6 years.

Tutoring for Math, Reading, and Other Subjects.

Learn To Be's free online tutoring provides essential foundations for academic success. By strengthening these core skills, children develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication abilities that empower them to excel in school and beyond.

Free Math Tutor

1-on-1 math tutoring offers invaluable benefits for K-12 students. Tailored instruction allows tutors to identify and address specific learning gaps, ensuring a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

Get a Free Math Tutor
Online tutoring
Online tutoring

Free Reading Tutor

1-on-1 reading tutoring provides K-12 students with personalized attention to develop essential literacy skills. Tutors can identify specific reading challenges, such as phonics, fluency, or comprehension, and tailor instruction accordingly.

Get a Free Reading Tutor

Tutoring for All Subjects

Tutoring all subjects can provide students with a comprehensive understanding of their coursework, leading to improved academic performance and overall success.

Get a Free Tutor
Online tutoring
Online tutoring

Free K-12 Online Tutor

A free Learn To Be tutor for grades K-12 can provide personalized support to help students achieve their academic goals and build a strong foundation for future success.

Get a Free Tutor

Money shouldn’t dictate access to education.

We want to live in a world where all kids have access to a great education - not just those whose families can afford one.

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1-to-1 tutoring

Work with the same tutor every week, for 6 months or for 6 years!

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100% online

No need to travel anywhere. All of our sessions are hosted online.

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Free since 2008

We've been doing this for a long time and we've learned a lot along the way.


Free online tutoring since 2008

We exist to make the lives of underserved kids easier, their opportunities greater, and their dreams bigger.


Hours tutored


Students served